Join Us

We are looking for experienced freelance translators, editors, reviewers in all languages, with solid background in different subjects like software translation, medical translation, legal translation, technical translation, financial translation and general text translation. Native fluency in your language and strong Trados/other TM skills is required. Our expectations are high and we offer excellent payment terms and the opportunity for professional growth. Please provide as much detail as possible in the form below so that we have all the relevant information about you. Email your resume including information about TM tools, applications and rates to for our records. If your qualifications meet our needs you will be contacted and receive a translation test to complete. We look forward to hearing from you!

Form for Individual Translators

Please note that all fields marked by an asterisk must be filled in.
  • (Press "Ctrl" to choose more than one field)
  • (Press "Ctrl" to choose more than one original language)
  • (Press "Ctrl" to choose more than one original language)
  • (Press "Ctrl" to choose more than one original language)

  • List your additional language capabilities and hardware & software skills here:
  • Please add any additional comments here: